So enjoy this list of my five favorite hotties 40 and over:
5. Chris Noth, age 54

many women I fell head over heels in lust with him when he was playing Mr. Big on Sex and the City. Chris just screams sexy. If I was Carrie, the show would have ended after season one because in my opinion no other guy she dated on the show ever held a candle to Chris.
4. Dermot Mulroney, age 45

Many women first noticed Dermot in My Best Friend's Wedding in 1997. As if he wasn't delicious enough back then, he seems to get hotter by the year. Anyone else just love him in The Wedding Date a few years back? He made the idea of taking a male escort to a wedding totally appealing. Dermot turns 46 later this month. Blow out your birthday candles Dermot because us ladies think you get sexier every day that goes by.
3. Matthew Fox, age 43

Matthew Fox won our hearts in the 90s starring in Party of Five as the sexy, big brother left to watch over his brothers and sisters. Since then he has just oozed with hotness on the hit TV show Lost. I don't know about you, but I'd get lost with him any day, any time.
2. Donnie Wahlberg, age 40

Ah, yes, number two is my insipiration for this post the good looking and talented Donnie Wahlberg. I don't know what it is about Donnie lately, but I seriously have a school girl type crush on him. I love popping in a good Donnie flick. I notice he gets to play detectives and law enfourcement roles a lot in recent years, which is fine with me, he can handcuff me anytime! I really think 40 is Donnie's magic number. I will always still have a place in my heart for his little brother, Mark Wahlberg (the one many women usually drool over), but right now make it known, I'm a Donnie girl.
1. George Clooney, age 48

Okay, okay, so I know it's a little cheesy to be obsessed with George Clooney since every other woman on earth is, but nonetheless I am. I have had a huge celeb crush on George Clooney since I was so young it would have been illegal for George to even look at me. I can't help it, I just think he is the sexiest man alive. He's not only my number one celeb crush 40 and over, he's my number one celeb crush over all. I would take George over a boy in their 20s or 30s anyday.
I even married George in Vegas in 2007:
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